Eunice Group with a Corporate Social Responsibility created an NGO Eunice Foundation which is registered in India. Eunice Foundation widely promotes and extensively follows the 10 Principles of United Nations Global Compact and supports other United Nations International Organization initiatives.

Eunice Foundation has also applied for special consultative status with United Nations Economic and Social Council.

Eunice Foundation further focuses on advocating Education as an ultimate one-stop solution for a sustainable better livelihood. Eunice Foundation also involves in poverty alleviation programs through its special initiatives. Eunice Foundation is mainly involved in the empowerment and welfare of fisherman community by providing boats & nets along with creation of self-finance groups among them. Eunice Foundation organise various campaigns in coastal areas to educate fishermen about Marine Biology: Function, Biodiversity, Ecology, and the impact of climate change and pollution in ocean at the large.

For more information about our community works and to get our support write to us info@eunicegroup.org